Saturday, June 22, 2013

How to put keywords and description in blogger manually

Good morning friends, Today will Discusses About How to put keywords and description in blogger manually.

Installing Keyword and Description on blogspot aims to Maximize Seacrh search Engine, so that blog entry at the top, or at least 10 on the Google page.

but we did have observant and clever in putting Keyword / Keyword + Search description in our article, we should have a list of keywords that will be inserted in our article, just Ok, here are the steps to install it manually keywords and descriptions on blogspot.

1. Login to

2. Click the Templates-> Edit HTML and tick the 'Expand Widget Templates',

3. Find this code: <title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title> which is usually located under the code:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

4. Remove bold text above, and replace it with the following code:

        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
    <title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title>
    <meta content='HOMEPAGE DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='keyword1, keyword2, keyword3,' name='keywords'/>
    <title> <data:blog.pageName/> </ title>
    </ B: if>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "POSTURL2"'>
    <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Keyword1, keyword2, keyword3' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
    </ B: if>

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "POSTURL1"'>
    <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Keyword1, keyword2, keyword3' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
    </ B: if>

Thus be as follows:

    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
    <title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title>
    <meta content='HOMEPAGE DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='keyword1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>
    <title> <data:blog.pageName/> </ title>
    </ B: if>

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "POSTURL2"'>
    <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Keyword1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
    </ B: if>

    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "POSTURL1"'>
    <meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Keyword1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
    </ B: if>


    Replace the words:
    'HOME PAGE DESCRIPTION HERE' with a description of your blog's home page;
    Replace the words 'DESCRIPTION HERE' with your posting description;
    Replace the words 'POSTURL1, POSTURL2, and so on' with the url address of each of your posts; replace the words 'keyword1', 'keyword2' with the keywords you want.

    You can put meta tags to posts that you think are important just to be able to show up in search results at the top or in the top 10.

Good luck, and do not forget to give me feedback about this blog.

Friday, June 21, 2013

how to prevent hair loss, and how to blacken hair.

how to prevent hair loss, and how to blacken hair.

In this article, I will provide interesting information for you, who want to make the hair becomes thick, and address the problem of hair loss. Well, for those of you who are experiencing hair loss, then now you can handle this, so no need to be afraid anymore.

There are many ways to create a healthy hair. Black n shiny hair that will make you a handsome and beautiful. In this article, I will share tips on how to blacken and melebatkan hair. see just below.

Using White chicken eggs, take the eggs out of a white chicken eggs that have been separated from the shell eggs and egg yolk, apply egg white that had been prepared earlier in your hair, from root to tip of hair until your hair. then leave this state for 10-15 minutes then rinse your hair and head then Wash thoroughly after you do this.

Using Coconut milk, take the coconut milk to taste (according to your hair short or long), which is used is thick coconut milk, coconut milk and use it for your hair, apply coconut milk from the roots to the tips of your hair, and let stand for 30 minutes. then wash your hair, do it on a regular basis then your hair will be black, and not easy to fall off.

Using Aloe Vera, aloe vera can be used to prevent hair loss, how is peeled aloe vera then puree, then rub on your hair thoroughly, from the roots to the tips of your hair, and let stand 10 to 15 minutes. then, wash your hair until it is completely clean, do it regularly, at least 1 time a week.

Using Honey, honey has a good efficacy for hair, honey is used to make hair black and beautiful, the way; take this honey then apply on your hair is still wet in the state, after shampooing, once" applied it flat, let stand for 10 to 15 minutes . after that, wash thoroughly, preferably performed routinely at least 1 time a week.

Using Papaya Fruit Seeds, takee papaya seeds and toasted until dry and then puree then squeeze and strain, mix a little water when you want to use and then rub into your hair while massaging let it dry after shampooing it please

A few of my information, about how to blacken, and soften hair. For those of you who have been getting great results, you have to keep doing the treatment

the recipe, Shrinks swollen belly

What you Shame because your stomach bloated? There have been many people who go on a diet to shrink the stomach, but no satisfactory results.

you do not worry, this time I wrote a blog content, which includes Shrink Tips belly fat. Someone who has a distended abdomen, usually not confident. It is very disturbing especially for a confident woman who always looks perfect inging. Distended abdomen usually occurs due to irregular diet, lack of exercise and poor health attention.

Okay my friends who had a potbelly, the following I give you the recipe, Shrinks swollen belly:

1. Diet set

If you are not a regular diet, it is one of the causes of belly fat. Adjust your diet can prevent and shrink belly fat. Reduce excessive eating snacks that you usually do when relaxing, and there is no work. Try to adjust your diet 3 times a day at any time, and the same every day, but can shrink belly fat it can also prevent ulcer disease.

2. select a food type

Consuming foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, can increase the amount of fat in the belly man. for it, Eat foods that contain protein such as eggs, bread, and grains. And also, consume fruits that contain vitamin.

3. Exercise Routine

Often times, we can not take the time to exercise regularly. This is because of our busy every day is very urgent. A time to about 20-30 minutes of free time to do sit-ups exercise on a daily basis.

4. Consumption of Food Containing Fiber

Fiber is an important element in the diet, but to compensate for water retention that causes bubbles, eat fiber in fruits like green apples that have a lot of water content.

5. Multiply Drinking pure Water

Water is indeed a lot of benefits, in addition to Overcome Dry Skin Dull and Eliminate Acne Naturally, pure Water is also beneficial to shrink belly fat. Drink lots of water to dilute the concentration of sodium in the body. Drink more water, to ensure the effective functioning gall to remove waste products. Do not change water consumption during the diet, because many materials that are difficult to digest and can cause stomach bubble.

so many of my recipes, How To Shrinks swollen belly May be useful for you yaa. Take care of your health, regular exercise, and adequate rest and do not stress.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

eye drops cant be used for sex stimulants??

Lately, rumors are circulating that the eye drops can be used for sex stimulants. Did you know this is not true at all?

Some eye drops contain only sterile saline solution, which is not harmful if swallowed. However, other eye drops can be harmful if consumed.
It is important to know about the eye drops containing no Tetrahydrozoline HCL.

Tetrahydrozoline HCL is a vasoconstrictor agent that can affect the central nervous system and blood vessels.

In its use in the eye may look red eye (the blood vessels are in a state of vasodilatation) so some time after being dropped no longer red (blood vessels in a state of vasoconstriction)

However, if the eye drops taken orally, tetrahydrozoline have the potential to be fatal, especially for small children, people with heart disease and those taking MAO inhibitors.

This is what can happen when taking eye drops containing Tetrahydrozoline:

1. body temperature down in extreme
2. decline in the view (the view so blurry)
3. increased blood pressure and decreased the extreme
4. hallucinating
5. difficulty breathing
6. throw up
7. seizures or tremors
8. coma
9. decreased heart function

And is clearly on the back of the eye drops had been warned its use only for the outside.

So, do not even think of a stimulant drug because it can kill anyone else.

Tell the people you love, to always be careful, do not drink beverages carelessly given by strangers. If forced, at a party choose a canned drink at all unopened (no chance anyone else to mix something into it - but it still does not rule out the possibility.), Or most safe, always carry their own drinks.

recipe breast augmentation

The ideal size of a woman's breasts it is very relative, depending on who has, body size (thin, medium, fat), height and the way women dressed.

If you have small breasts, I give the following recipe breast augmentation.
You can improve the shape of your breasts through breast massage. Breast massage can help increase breast growth in a healthy, and make your breasts grow large, flexible and toned.

Breast massage really helps to make your breasts more attractive, and even greater, and also a wonderful method to how healthy will you breast growth. Regularly massaging your breast, can also help prevent breast cancer.

The following recipe from me, How to perform a breast massage:

1. Provide at least 30 minutes per day before bedtime for breast massaging activity.
2. put your hands on both breasts yours.
3. then, Perform massage clockwise, to your right breast.
4. along with it, Do it counter-clockwise massage, for your left breast.
5. do not have to touch the nipples while massaging your breast.
6. Do massage at least 300 rounds or a maximum of 30 minutes a day.

     Hopefully the article How To Enlarge Breast Massage Breast beneficial to you.

Similarly, article about How to Enlarge Breasts With Hands, may be useful for all mate. And do not forget to read the other interesting articles, such as How To  How to Speed ​​up Internet Connection In Windows 7 and XP

How to Speed ​​up Internet Connection In Windows 7 and XP

if the internet connection on your computer is slow? The following, I give the recipe to speed up internet connection on windows 7 and XP

How to Speed ​​up Internet Connection In Windows 7 and XP

     Click first on the Windows Start menu, then click Run. Type gpedit.msc afterwards. then press the enter key, and select Administrative Templates
     Then double click on the Network. then Double click QoS Packet cheduler, then Double click on Limit reservable bandwidth, then you Change the setting to Enable. Then change the Bandwidth limit to 0, after that, click Apply, OK. Then finally, restart your computer. good luck to speed up internet connection on windows 7 and XP

recipe how to Make Money with Amazon.

recipe how to Make Money with Amazon.

The first step that must be done if you want to make money with Amazon is to begin determining which products to you later marketed. In determining which products will be sold, there are a few things to note are:

     Interests or abilities. Try to market a product that you like / you've got knowledge about these products. A seller would be better if he is able to explain the product well and properly, if you are wrong then the information might be buyers do not like to shop with you.

     Target your market. Determine and note the target market, who you think will be the future buyers of your product. Is an American? The English or who? Are people aged 20 to 30 years, whether men, women? The target market is very determine what marketing strategies will you use Price of the product. For the price of the product is relatively yes, but the higher price of the products you market the greater the commission that you can get if you made ​​the sale.

the recipe so that when you are married to favor and durable

Do you Want Lasting Sex? I'll give you the recipe so that when you are married to favor and durable
9 Things To Avoid It When Sex

Sex life is part of a wedding. In addition to worship, love is one way to maintain the intimacy of husband and wife, adding harmony, also make a healthier you and your husband.

There are many ways to keep the activities of sex is always fun and full of passion, one of them, by not doing the things below!

Biting and Scratching Up Bloody

are you acat? maybe you're very excited that night, so exasperated with the husband's body and take action to nip in several parts of his body. Clawing back the time to reach orgasm husband might arouse her husband, but when you really outrageous especially claw backs husband until he bled, it was terrible. So is the bite that you provide. Subtle bite in the ear lobe will give the sensation HOT, but the bite to bleed your husband could bring to .. hospital. what else you bite your husband testicles. if broken would be connected where? can not be welded.

Answering the Phone

Duh .. how important are incoming phone does it? One thing that is very disturbing enjoyment of sex is the incoming call. Once upon a time, let alone call it. When you or your partner pick up the phone, wait until the conversation is completed will create an intimate relationship is no longer favors, even women tend to be in a bad mood when her husband talking on the phone too long.

Calling the Wrong Name

Many of you know men and women who imagined other people's faces when having sex. This one should not really (origin not get caught). But be careful ya! Easement lest you imagine having sex with someone else until one name when it almost gets an orgasm. I could have ended the game prematurely and making reluctant to talk with your husband. Oops ..

It's not Acrobat

Many kamasutra positions that can be practiced. Maybe you (especially the husband) can become addicted to try a few variations of sex positions in one time. But remember, change positions too often, for example, 15 seconds is not fun at all. Remember, this is the art of making love, not a stunt that could turn the body over there here or fold the body in a matter of seconds.

First stop, Wants to Raise clothesline .. wah!

When you're in the middle of the day during the sex session, suddenly you hear the sound of rain and forget not lift the laundry. Our suggestion .. let alone the laundry was wet and continue your activities. If you run away in the middle of the sex session, it is very outrageous things because you think your husband would prefer clothing that rather than enjoying his manhood.

Kiss Me Here .. Kiss Me There ..

A kiss is a secret pleasure Orgasm Slowly, then do not immediately step on the gas, the activities of sex will be more delicious if you and your partner do foreplay slowly. A kiss is one way of foreplay fun. Start by gently kissing lips, the touch of your fingers on the arms or chest husband. You and your husband can move to another place for showered with kisses. Believe me, this will make sex activity more .. BOM.

Do not Lie!

If you feel uncomfortable when husbands to wear condoms form a rather 'strange', saying it was him. Necessary comfort that makes you and your husband enjoy sex activity up to a maximum. Likewise if you are not comfortable with a sex position, saying it was the husband, do not push yourself.

Where's voice?

Men are very exasperated with the sound produced by women when making love. Groan at the right moment will make men more libido burning. You do not have to yell like crazy to wake the neighbors left and right, but remained silent also not a good option. Your husband will be confused, if you are fine, if he is less manly so you are not out of breath with the action? Remove noise and make facial expressions that could make it increasingly exasperated with you.

Never Faking Orgasms

The grounds will not be disappointed husbands, wives often make fake orgasms. As if he enjoyed the sensation of having sex peak, but .. false. Make no mistake, ladies, more and more men who can find out if their partner faked an orgasm or not. Let's just say this to your husband. Is not it better to find out why you do not get fake orgasm than continuous?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fried Rice Presents tips

"Make Fried Rice Recipe is Delicious"Fried rice is a processed food type that is very easy to make, fast, simple, and practical. The rice recipe is also highly favored by many people that it tastes good and special. Although now a lot of sellers of fried rice, and some even get around, but it would not hurt if you make fried rice recipe at home. Like the title I wrote, "Recipes that Make a Delicious Fried Rice" is very simple and simple. How to make fried rice is easy to follow, so my friend does not need to feel distress onliners to be able to cook delicious fried rice, and delicious."Make Fried Rice Recipe is Delicious"Fried rice ingredients:250 grams of white rice, do not use too fluffier rice.1 whole chicken eggs, beaten off.To taste vegetable oil, for fryingSeasoning 1:30 gr onion, roughly chopped1 clove garlic, finely chopped1 btr Onion, thinly sliced2 large pieces of red chilli, thinly sliced1 tablespoon scallions, thinly sliced.Seasoning 2:1 tbsp Soy sauce2 tablespoons soy sauce1 pack of beef or chicken brothSalt and flavorings to taste.How to Make Simple Fried Rice:1. Heat oil, saute garlic, onions and shallots until fragrant.2. Enter the beaten eggs, scrambled eggs until half cooked then add the rest of the first seasoning, stir well.3. Add rice, and stir until well blended.4. Add spices and stir again until 2 rice and all seasonings are well blended.5. Cook until done and serve while warm.Fried Rice Presents tips:1. Fried rice will grow tasty and delicious served with a sprinkling of fried onions on it.2. Buddy onliners can add pickled cucumber and cayenne pepper if you like.3. Add shrimp crackers, chips or crackers melinjo more to taste if you like.4. Buddy onliners can also add meatballs, sausage or shredded chicken meat in the processing of fried rice if desired.It is easy of course to make fried rice at home even by using a simple recipe to make easy tasty fried rice. Do not forget to try my other recipe is a recipe to make a delicious satay and soft.

Recipes How to Make Soft Sate Kambing Bumbu

Recipes How to Make Soft Sate


Eid al-Adha or Eid certainly synonymous with the processing of the meat, and one of them is goat meat. how to make satay relatively easy, especially if you use soy sauce satay recipe. Because the manufacture of soy sauce is very simple and modest. In addition it should be noted is soft goat satay recipe. Surely my friend onliners not want to eat meat satay with a hard right. In Recipes How to Make Sate Kambing Bumbu Sauce is Squishy will explain how the process of making and goat satay recipe is delicious, soft, easy, and delicious.

Recipe Sate Kambing

Materials to Make Sate Kambing:
750 gr lamb, cut into 2 cm cubes
15 btg skewers that have been soaked in water

Seasoning ingredients spread Sate Kambing:
5 lbr lime leaves, finely sliced
10 grains of red onion, finely sliced
1 tbsp pepper powder
100 ml sweet soy sauce
2 tbsp lime juice

Supplementary material Sate Kambing:
50 g cabbage, finely shredded
4 pcs tomatoes, thinly sliced
6 tbsp fried onions for topping

Seasoning Soy Sauce Ingredients:
15 pcs cayenne pepper, thinly sliced
10 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
5 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tsp pepper
2 tablespoons lemon juice


How to Make Sate goat Bumbu Sauce:
1. Wash the goat meat, drain.
2. Skewers with satay stab, stab each filled with 4 to 5 pieces of meat goats.
3. Mix all ingredients for the spread satay seasoning.
4. Rub with seasoning then grilled satay skewers dibara flame-spread and occasionally smeared with remaining seasoning until the meat is completely cooked mutton and spices to infuse.
5. Make seasoning sauce by mencapur all sauce ingredients seasonings.
6. Serve with satay sauce and seasoning ingredients complement.

It is easy of course, Recipe How to Make Soft Sate Kambing Bumbu Sauce. Do not forget to try other recipes such as the recipe to make pizza.

recipes How to Make Pizza

Foods like pizza was made by the ancient Greeks to the shape of bread covered with oil, herbs and cheese. These foods also spread to Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia are called by the name of the Ribbon, in Turkey called pide, and in Albania called Pite. The Romans developed placenta, a sheet of dough topped with cheese and a piece of honey and flavored with bay leaves.

How to Make a Simple Mini Pizza

Modern pizza with composition and form as we now see are from Italy. The legend says that Pizza Margherita was created in 1889, when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte commissioned Neapolitan Pizzaiolo Raffaele Esposito made a pizza in honor of Queen Margherita. From three different pizza he created, the Queen really liked the look of the color combination pizza with Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella).

For pizza fans would be very nice if you could make your own pizza. Here is the recipe how to make a simple mini pizzas that you can make at home either with or without oven oven.

Mini Pizza Ingredients

1) 500 gr flour
2) 4 tablespoons cooking oil
3) 10 g instant yeast
4) 1 tsp sugar
5) 1 tsp salt
6) 400 ml water

Layer ingredients

1) 4 eggs beaten off
2) 200 g flour panir
3) Cooking oil

Ingredients for Pizza Sauce

1) 2 tbsp tomato paste
2) 100 ml vegetable oil
3) 1 medium onion
4) 6 cloves garlic
5) 16 red tomatoes
6) 1 tsp salt
7) 1 tsp pepper

How to Make Pizza Sauce Recipes Simple

   1) Onions, garlic and chopped red tomatoes
   2) Garlic and onions sauteed until fragrant and looks wither
   3) Mix the tomato paste and stir into stir until blended
   4) Add salt, red tomatoes and pepper powder and stir into the mix
   5) Cook until cooked and thickened

1) instant yeast, flour, sugar and salt and stir until evenly mixed.
2) Put the oil into the batter then stir well.
3) Slowly add the water and knead the dough until smooth.
4) dough shaped like a round ball and then let stand that expands, takes approximately 15-20 minutes.
5) Flatten dough ball shaped up to be half a centimeter thickness and print with a circle.
6) The middle or center of the dough so that it does not appear bubble pricked the dough when baked.
7) Put it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius until the color changes to brown, takes about 15-20 minutes.
8) bread pizza that is cooked and then diguling-roll in flour so that the surface panir pizza bread coated in flour panir.
9) Bread Pizza and then fried until cooked.
10) Spread pizza sauce that you created earlier to the surface of the pizza bread.
11) For the topping you can use bell peppers, shredded cheese, sausage or other ingredients that you like.
To make pizza without oven you can replace the No 7 with pizza bake in covered pan on the stove heated usual, more comfortable again heated pan pizza contains bread or baked with firewood or charcoal.